Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dreamweaver and External Style Sheets

There are several different types of web design software available on the market today. One of these types is Adobe Dreamweaver. With Dreamweaver, designers can create multi-functional web sites using html, cold fusion, xhtml, css, etc.
When designing a website in Dreamweaver, it is always a good idea to design your html in one document and attach an external style sheet to each page to style the content.
Using an external style sheet is beneficial to designers and others viewing the code because it not only keeps css separate from the html code providing easy readability and makes the code neat, so it can be edited easily, but also when you need to make a change in the code after it has already been attached to the html page, you can just add the code into the css and save it and it automatically updates all of the html pages that the external style sheet is attached to, which saves designers a lot of time and frustration. Had a designer needed to make changes to the CSS without the use of an external style sheet, they would have had to edit each page separately eating up a lot of time that could have been saved to work on other projects.
There are other benefits of using external style sheets as well, but these are just a couple of the main benefits.

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